Oh god! I genuinely did make that mistake. I was wondering why this morbid piece was being treated so lightly haha
Oh god! I genuinely did make that mistake. I was wondering why this morbid piece was being treated so lightly haha
Ah yep, my people. The good ones can cast an indignant parent/kid-free zone up to 15m away. Solitary creatures by nature, they hunt in packs, and if you manage to friend one, you friend them for life.
You know when you’re walking around town at night and see those neon shop signs saying they’re open? Well *warm smiles*, that’s me.
If I see a shop without a neon sign, I happily walk in and offer to sell them one for a £1000. If they refuse, I threaten to smash in their windows and burn down the shop with them in it. I then leave with a happy customer and add a little more neon magic into the world.
You’re welcome, world.
Smokers. They have decades of being able to strike up an angry conversation in a street with an absolute stranger, whilst never letting it escalate, because, fuckit, brotherhood of smokers.
Plus a healthy appreciation of nature. Sure you can smoke and look at your phone, but you still have to be outside and that means glancing up from time to time to look at the scenery, the night sky, to wave at your neighbours, etc.
Good people smokers, filthy habit.
(Vapers dont count, cos you can’t really share a vape concurrently. Also a lot of them take pride in their devices which I find weird. Real smokers have a decent sense of self-hatred at their habit)
That’s pretty terrifying. You can see the somewhat muted apprehension on his face mixed with a hope that he will be out of it soon.
Of course, I’m putting human emotions onto an animal, but that’s just because I can easily see myself in such a situation where I’m politely asked to step into a room and face a wall for a brief moment…
Yes that is the sad reality of it, but I don’t think it justifies sending money to the company in the first place. They’re backed by VC and are already predisposed to screw you financially in the longrun. Why accelerate this with donations
I agree with you in principle for supporting developers directly through something like OpenCollective…
… but ask Mozilla how much their Firefox devs get for each financial donation.
What flavour of english is this
Can you just imagine that, going through life thinking that everything’s normal, only at the moment of your death to start seeing stock photo branding logos appear around you, all angled towards the last person you see.
Same, but it’s not really living is it