Some should tell that dumbass that was sarcasm to make a POINT. Besides, Donald would rather melt down the statue into Trump coins, or replace it with a gold plated statue of himself.
Whew! Otherwise, George Lucas was going to have to buy the rights to Planet of the Apes and digitally change the ending.
There’s a theory that the Statue of Liberty shown at the end was actually the one from Las Vegas. Lucas could have changed that to the Las Vegas Sphere: “GOD DAMN U2 ALL TO HELL!”
The downfall of society started when Apple pushed U2’s album onto all iPhones.
Did they even say ‘,thank you’?!?!
Concept of a thank you
Hey, France, from an American:
Insist on it. Every. Single. Meeting. Insist. Return it. Give it back. Fuck you, that’s not what it’s for. Put the screws in.
Our idiot fucking government wants transactional and splashy. Oblige them.
So did Trump reply to a onion article again?
Trump did not say thank you! What a piece of shit. He would not have a democracy to destroy without the help of the French.
Oh look! The White House is responding to troll comments!