Could be an attached memory or sentimental value, whatever.
Conventional worth be dammed.
Given to me it would either be the quilts my grandmother made, or the charts my grandfather followed along with during the moon landing.
Personal items would be the assorted thank you notes the elderly have given me from being in retirement industry. Want to make a collage of them one day.
From my great grandmothers kitchen:
Great grandfathers service medals from the continuation war.
As I understood it from grandma he was doing damage control when the Soviet fire bombed towns.
I have a letter opener made by my great uncle for my grandfather.
What makes it interesting is that my great uncle worked as a mechanic for the RAF, keeping Spitfires flying during the Battle of Britain and the letter opener is made from discarded parts from Spitfires he worked on. Not sure what the blade was, some small strut or something, I suppose, and the handle is made of different-sized washers.
A rubber stamp of my grandfather’s initials, which happens to be exactly my initials.
Nobody else in the family have this initials, so this really would worth anything only to me.
My grandfather’s dog tags from Vietnam. He always kept them swinging from his rear-view mirror. Swore they kept him safe.
Also swore up and down that he wasn’t superstitious, lol.