Cripple. History Major. Irritable and in constant pain. Vaguely Left-Wing.
My grandfather’s dog tags from Vietnam. He always kept them swinging from his rear-view mirror. Swore they kept him safe.
Also swore up and down that he wasn’t superstitious, lol.
“Working together regardless of class”
Not liquidating the bourgeois classes? Sounds a lot like class collaboration. I think you need a fiver in the GULAG to sort your head.
Don’t worry, now that their favorite fascist is in power, they’re [checks notes]
… complaining that Dems aren’t doing enough.
I mean, Dems aren’t doing enough, but one would think that with a strategy like “ensure the Dems lose” one might have some sort of alternate method for dealing with the consequences of ‘success’.
Rent free.
Atrocities live rent-free in my mind?
I guess that’s technically true?
Ain’t like it was in mid-2023. The tankies mostly stay off of .world anymore, thank the gods.
The flags are representations of the Roman Republic and Carthage, which were rivals and bitter enemies. They both fought Pyrrhus and invaded Sicily, but Rome, in 146 BCE, destroyed Carthage entirely. Rome lived on for a while. Great success!
Good thing the Bolsheviks never did anything wrong during their rule, like genociding Poles, committing mass murder in the Baltics, ethnically cleansing Crimean Tatars, brutally crushing workers’ protests and stripping them of more rights than even bourgeois capitalist democracies did, running a system of high-mortality slave labor, etc etc etc etc etc.
I can’t believe the CIA was behind all of those Soviet regimes which brutally destroyed workers’ democracy 😔
Explanation: In the US Civil War, Colonel Robert Shaw, a white man, accepted the command of the first Black unit of the US Army. He died leading an assault on Confederate fortifications in 1863. Most of his unit survived, and despite the failure of the attack, it galvanized Union support for Black troops in the Civil War.
The Confederates buried him in a mass grave with the soldiers he led, seeing it as an insult. Colonel Shaw’s father rebuffed any attempt to exhume Colonel Shaw’s body and bury it separately from the Black troops he led, seeing it as emblematic of the collective sacrifice and unity that the Colonel had fought to uphold in life.
“69.16% of Americans are okay with fascism” isn’t really a resounding defense of the health of American democracy in the face of fascism, though.
Explanation: After some three years of European powers brutally bludgeoning, bayoneting, machine-gunning, and using chemical weapons on each other in WW1, the Americans entered the war. We, of course, immediately indulged in the same bludgeoning, bayoneting, machine-gunning, and chemical weapons as every else did, but we also brought a large quantity of pump-action shotguns to the fight, with brutal effect in the tight confines of the trenches.
The German Empire lodged a formal complaint that the use of shotguns was against the laws of war due to the inhumane nature of the weapon. “Lol”, said everyone else, “lmao”
“Jerry” is a nickname for German soldiers; just as British troops were sometimes called “Tommy”.