You were supposed to deatroy the Sith, not join them!
How the mighty have fallen.
Lol I remember Napster for downloading music damn I’m old.
Napster… Sorry, who??
They’re still around??
They aren’t really, some crypto bros just bought the name and stuck it to this pile of horseshit, presumably in the hopes of making some money off of idiots.
maybe lars ulrich was right after all
Mm. Nah. I’m just confused who this is supposed to be for: people who used Napster for free music or people who say “what’s a Napster?”
TIL Napster still exist. I thought it got shut down in the early 2000’s?
It did, but the branding got sold a few times and is now in the hands of some crypto company.
I doubt anyone will use this except for crypto bagholders who have no interest in music (or anything really) and are just looking to dumb their bags the next mark.