I’ve been using Windows since the days of 3.1, practically my entire life. So I’m really comfortable with how windows operates and how to do the things that I want to do.
I’ve dabbled around with Linux over the years, but am now considering trying to make a full switch to it.
What are some resources to “learn” Linux properly? Such as understanding the filesystem, basic security practices, essential tools or commands, etc?
Just start using it. Set up a dual boot if you really need access to Windows still, but try not to use it as much as possible. You learn by running into problems or holes in your knowledge, and solving those issues will fill in other gaps.
There are plenty of video series if you want to listen to advice before diving in, but there’s no teacher like experience.
This, I learned out of necessity when I was a teen, parents were divorcing and my dad only had an extremely old laptop, it was literally unusable on XP, was lookin around online on how to possibly speed it up and found Linux.
Install using the debian net installer. Only add a GUI/Desktop Environment through command line and apt. Don’t use tasksel.
Do this on a laptop that’s not mission critical. Barring that, use Tails on a USB drive
I dabbled for a few years before I made the switch.
You learn after you switch. Not before. Because then it’s easier to search for a Linux solution than it is to reinstall windows and get it done in the way you’re familiar.
If you can dual boot and do your daily needs you are good enough to make the switch.
For learning about the filesystem layout, you can type
man hier
into a Linux terminal.Or read the same online: https://www.man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/hier.7.html
Find an easy distro (my recc is mint if you’re coming from windows, elementary if you’re coming from Mac) and just do it. Follow the install guides and just start trying to use your computer. Look up things when things aren’t working. If you get frustrated or justconsistently don’t like your distro, find a different one. Most people don’t know the exact distro they like with their first attempt. It’s very common to bounce around to different ones for a while or even have multiple.
Some will allow you to do a live environment off a USB stick, but I don’t know. I never found that really told me whether not it was going to be a good daily driver. But it does give you an easy way to check out the “vibes” of one without having to actually commit to it
Linux Mint or vanilla Ubuntu. They’re nice, we’ll developed and stable with lots of software available. Never need to use a command line unless you want to
The file system takes some getting used to, but it’s similar to Mac. The only folders you need to worry about most of the time are /Home and /Media. Home is where all your stuff is. Media is where you find all your drives and partitions
Install arch the old fashioned way using the installation guide and then maintain it for a year or so. It’s not hard but it’ll take you some hours to get going if you are just used to buttons which tell you what they do.
It really depends on your approach to learning things. If you’re looking for a systematic approach, I really like No Starch Press books for that sort of thing: How Linux Works or Your Linux Toolbox (for a more playful approach).
But in the end there’s really no substitute for installing Debian on bare metal and tinkering with it. I would really recommend Debian, because it’s the archetype of how Linux systems have been working for the last 30 years or so. Arguably, this is currently changing, but come to grips with Debian before you dabble in more modern approaches to system management.
If you ask me:-
I use a combination of my instincts, including distro-hopping, since I began using Linux in 2017, reading articles online about Linux tutorials, and even watching YouTube videos. I gave up on Linux and returned to Windows many times, but it ultimately made me return to Linux because it is meant to be my forever operating system. There are so many Linux tutorials available online, including on YouTube. Indian channels taught me how to install Ubuntu, and that was my most memorable beginning with Linux. I also recommend chatting with current viral technologies such as generative AIs; they’ll provide you with answers. So, keep exploring Linux. 😎👍
In my experience: By bashing your head against it and looking up things online you cant figure out on your own. If that means having to google how to navigate the folder structure, so be it.
Doing a dual boot for Windows and Linux Mint is shockingly easy. Mint will do the work for you from the install USB. I think I did that about a year ago, and haven’t been back over to Windows in months. 9/10, would recommended.
At this point, troubleshooting, when/if needed, can start with ChatGPT for very basic stuff, then the Linux Mint forum if you happen to come upon a real head scratcher. That’s most likely to come from your computer having some obscure or super new component that doesn’t have quite the right drivers yet. Which isn’t a common experience anyway.