The price is irrelevant because this is will be purchased with government dollars. This drone is not for you and me; it is intended to be used against you and me.
Just read the actual product page. They are targeting military, law enforcement, and surveillance applications. These guys have a heading on their product page titled “paramilitary,” for fuck’s sake.
The price is irrelevant because this is will be purchased with government dollars. This drone is not for you and me; it is intended to be used against you and me.
Just read the actual product page. They are targeting military, law enforcement, and surveillance applications. These guys have a heading on their product page titled “paramilitary,” for fuck’s sake.
These are more like
…For now.
Economies of scale is most definitely at play here as well.
TL;DR - They’re making a lot less of them (compared to DJI) so they have to charge more per unit.
That does NOT justify 6x more.
I’m pointing it out as a compounding factor to the post I replied to (a limited target market). Not as the sole reason.
Can’t hold back spending taxpayer money when shopping for tools to keep the taxpayer down. /s
They better be shielded really well against EMF.
They don’t have to be; they’re radio controlled. Figuring out what frequency they’re on and blasting it should be trivial, if necessary.