They don’t have to be; they’re radio controlled. Figuring out what frequency they’re on and blasting it should be trivial, if necessary.
Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.
They don’t have to be; they’re radio controlled. Figuring out what frequency they’re on and blasting it should be trivial, if necessary.
The price is irrelevant because this is will be purchased with government dollars. This drone is not for you and me; it is intended to be used against you and me.
Just read the actual product page. They are targeting military, law enforcement, and surveillance applications. These guys have a heading on their product page titled “paramilitary,” for fuck’s sake.
You screw one droid…
This is basically ubiquitous on many public lands, specifically here in the US. The term is “carry in, carry out.” Bins accumulate trash (obviously) which in turn is an attractant for rodents, bears, raccoons, etc. which causes its own problems. Wild animals should not be artificially fed by human trash. Trash can also be blown out of cans, or scattered by animals. Overall, especially for low traffic environments, the best plan is to have people take all their trash out with them.
TL;DR: Pack out your trash.
Yeah, this is one of those damn fool things you see hanging in gift shops and other outlets of kitsch, unironically on display as if it’s still clever and nobody’s ever seen it before. Usually right along side the very similar plaque with the “Labor rates: If you watch / If you offer advice / If you help” canard, “Harley Davidson Parking Only,” “Complaint Department, Take a Number (Grenade),” and others of the same ilk.
It’s even worse than that. Not only is it a solved problem, but Tesla had it solved (or closer to solved, anyway) and then intentionally regressed on the technology as a cost cutting measure. All the while making a limp-wristed attempt to spin the removal of key sensor hardware – first the radar and later the ultrasonic proximity sensors – as a “safety” initiative.
There isn’t a shovel anywhere in the world big enough for that pile of bullshit.