I’ve never had a Discord account. It’s gamers, right?
Lost yearly Nitro and all my friends
That’s sadder than he seems to understand it is.
I know “lol anon has no friends” is le epic funny meme but by friends, they obviously meant their contacts.
I have a lot of people, I’d consider friends, that I only communicate with through discord. If I lost my account, I’d likely never hear from them again. Kinda get it.
Idk might just be talking about his online friend’s. But knowing 4chan maybe not
Never understood why anyone would want to pay 100$ a year for discord, the paid version doesnt give you that much imo
To support the developers and pay for a product you use all the time? Same reason you pay for any software/game.
Lol. Read their EULA
I agree with you in principle for supporting developers directly through something like OpenCollective…
… but ask Mozilla how much their Firefox devs get for each financial donation.
The company is the heart of the software and it would not exist without the company most likely. True the execs get probably a larger share of any payments but it’s just the way the world works. It’s a piece of software produced by the company, not the developers.
Yes that is the sad reality of it, but I don’t think it justifies sending money to the company in the first place. They’re backed by VC and are already predisposed to screw you financially in the longrun. Why accelerate this with donations
- Three-year-old* account with no violations
- 5-year-old* alt account
I’m legitimately paranoid about this scenario, especially since I’m in a couple of ERP servers, and I was friends with ReploidRevo… yes THAT ReploidRevo, and never knew about what he did until after his downfall went viral. (Shocked the Hell out of me because he seemed so normal and on the up and up)
Lost yearly Nitro
You cuck.
On this topic: I currently have installed on my phone and computer: slack, zoom, MSTeams, element, discord, Facebook messenger and signal to communicate in various projects and friends. What is this madness?!
Same happened to me but with animal cruelty content or something. I tried to get the account back but turns out it was a “ban wave” so a lot of other people who got banned but were innocent were doing the same so discords services got overwhelmed by the appeals. Maybe they should have realized after that that this kinda banning is a horrible approach.
And I’m not looking forwards to the effort it is going to take to get my friends to migrate away from discord. It was hard enough to get them on discord in the first place.