I’ll enjoy the night with the git guy instead.
He knows how to commit.
:fake internet award:
when you’re on autopilot
- enjoy your meal
- you too!
Thank you, I will.
Pulls up a chair and starts eating off your plate
My dentist: got anything exciting coming up?
Me: Going to Bali in a couple of weeks, you?
Dentist: no, I’m not going to Bali.
What is a CVS guy
CVS is a high street pharmacy chain.
So the “CVS guy” is the cashier on checkout at the store.
In my town the CVS has a self checkout unless you hunt someone down. So maybe OP was talking to themselves
Considering OPs headspace at the time that’s plausible. lol
What does high street mean? Main street?
I may not have realised I was using a British English specific term :)
“High Street” does etymologically derive from the main shopping street(s) in a town where most shops would have premises, as you suggest.
In a contemporary usage it means physical retail (versus online) and also connotes city centre, versus places that have enormous out of town “big box” stores.
So economists might say “The high street saw the best Christmas profits in five years” and they mean all retail in that sector of business.
So when I said CVS were a “high-street pharmacy” what I really meant to imply by that was “they are a brick-and-mortar chain with physical stores on streets in towns and cities all over the place”
Some old dude who hasn’t moved on to newer version control systems like git or hg
It’s the guy that makes fake CVs on demand.
A machinist? And they specialize in front wheel transaxles?
There is a store in the US called CVS. The “cvs guy” is the cashier/worker.
Cautionary Votive Spirit
Currently Vexed Soul - having to deal with customers, especially ones like that! :)
These kinds of verbal slip ups are universal, look how many comments and up votes this post has.
It’s funny, just laugh about it, nobody should agonize over this funny and harmless bit of being a human.
For example, I bought some beer a couple of days ago, and after I paid the guy said “have a good evening and enjoy the beer”; and I said “you too”…
I guess I hadn’t processed the second part quickly enough.
See if you say “you too and I will thanks!” That works. You too for the nice evening and then acknowledge that you WILL indeed be enjoying the beer.
I always just use my mom’s rewards for everything. I get the discounts and she gets the rewards points. 🤷🏼