For me, it may be that the toilet paper roll needs to have the open end away from the wall. I don’t want to reach under the roll to take a piece! That’s ludicrous!
That or my recent addiction to correcting people when they use “less” when they should use “fewer”
I frequent a bakery that sells the Swedish treat called a semla. No one who works there speaks Swedish, so when I ask for ”two semlor” (pl.), they repeat it right back to me ”two semlas”. Sigh. They have a very finite number of foreign language menu items—they can learn the plurals. (Don’t get me wrong, if ”semlas” is the price of semlor I don’t have to make, I am willing to pay it, but boy does it annoy me.)
If it were supposed to be pronounced “jif” it would have been spelled that way, I don’t give two fucks what Stephen Wilhite said about it either.
Same with Gnome wanting to be pronounced “Gah-nome”, or Latex “Latech”. Just spell stuff the way you want it to be pronounced, or accept that people pronounce it another way
its “I could not care less” and not “I could care less”. This one drives me nuts
“white chocolate” doesn’t exist. It’s just sugar and a little bit of cocoa butter. It’s edible wax. It’s not chocolate and it doesn’t belong in any assortment of sweets, ever. Cocoa butter is skin moisturizer and that’s it.
It provably does exist. And it’s delicious. I could go to the supermarket and buy some right now. Except I’m fat and trying to lose weight.
I’m allergic to chocolate solids but can eat cocoa butter. So, in a society that is unreasonably obsessed with chocolate, it is nice that there is occasionally a “white chocolate” option on things that for some reason come in 15 flavors of chocolate and little else.
It does exist in the way that chocolate ‘solids’ exist as an element of chocolate. A typical chocolate bar consists of both chocolate solids and cocoa butter. It’s still an element of what you’re eating,
So just cuz you eat ‘chocolate’ because you think you only favor the solids, you’re still eating the butter too in what makes chocolate. It’s like drinking milk products and then getting pedantic over people who use butter as a food even though milk contains some the same elements.
But again this is about stupid hills to die on. And you picked an intolerant and ignorant stance so I guess you technically win in this particular topic.
No need for personal attack, this is all in good fun.
I’m fine with changing the name for it, but you sir can fuck right off if you want me to stop eating it instead of your “real” chocolate
I know this is unpopular. Have had several long winded discussions on this with friends and folks alike. “All religions are cults”, doesn’t matter the person is alive, dead or imaginary, you’re just following a charismatic leader(s).
Discord is not a good replacement for support forums. Discord isn’t searchable by search engines.
Historically, if I had an issue with a product and I googled “[product] [issue]” I’d be met with a support forum post, with someone describing the same issue. I could read the thread to find how they resolved it. I don’t actually have to interact with the post at all, and I don’t need to ask the same question again. For most (decent) forums I don’t even need to make an account just to read the post.
Discord throws that all out the window. Now I’m met with a “JoiN OUr dIScoRd SerVEr to GEt suPPorT” page. Nothing is searchable via a search engine. And Discord’s server searchability (even in the app) has always been, at best, absolute dogshit. You already need to know exactly which text thread things were posted in, (because you can’t search the entire server at once), and you need to know exactly what was said, (because there’s no fuzzed search terms).
So 99% of the time, you just end up asking the same question that has already been asked a hundred times in the past, and now you need to wait for someone to respond. It also puts a lot more strain on the support staff, because they’re answering the same question a hundred times instead of just the once in a forum.
And don’t come at me with the “but Discord recently added a support forum feature where people can start threads and save the conversation for later” bullshit. That’s a band-aid, at best. It still isn’t searchable via search engines, so it means the above issues with Discord’s search function still apply, and the forum function is essentially useless as support forums.
Lastly, why the fuck should I be forced to join another server just to get support? What if I don’t have a discord account? What if I live in a region that Discord doesn’t support? What if I just plain don’t want to clog up my server sidebar with dozens of servers that I have only visited once? What if I just really hate the fact that your server has been configured to push notifications for every single message by default? What if I just fucking want to google my issue, and get an answer without any further effort?
Things happen by accident or on purpose. No one over the age of 3 should be using “on accident”.
Maybe people are just trying to annoy you by purpose.
To streamers, YouTubers, etc. Your Patreon supporters are called Patrons. Not fucking “Patreons.”
i don’t record or watch vertical videos
If something’s rate of hype is too fast for my internal meter, I will become immediately skeptical of the trend/show/etc. and not care about it, solely because everyone is caring about it too much and too fast.
And that is exactly how I ended up never watching Game of Thrones.
Ice bucket challenge? Ha, get fucked.
With my friends it was the cinnamon challenge. I have zero regrets noping out of that one.
The “is a hot dog a sandwich” and similar discussions are solved with the mighty sword of language and not some rigid taxonomy about fillings and bread.
Imagine a set of food items on a table, hot dog amongst them, but not other pseudo-sandwiches. I ask you to “Please pass me that sandwich.” If there is but a moment’s pause in your mind before you reach for the hot dog, even if it’s as you surmise I must be speaking about the hot dog as there are no other sandwich-like items available, then it is not a sandwich.
My reasoning is that a hotdog is a sausage. When you say you want a sandwich, you don’t say “pass me a ham” you say “pass me a ham sandwich.” When ordering a named sandwich, “I’ll have a Ruben” it’s widely understood that a Ruben is a sandwich so the modifier is already packaged in the name. A sandwich has “Sandwich” as a defining modifier.
When you ask for a hotdog you don’t say, “give me a hotdog sandwich” you say, “give me a hotdog.” The same situation works with bratwurst, you don’t order a brat sandwich. To further reinforce this, if you’re in the south and central US and order a Hotlink it comes on it’s own or in a hotdog bun but if you order a “hotlink sandwich” you get two hotlinks cut length wise and placed on a hamburger bun or bread.
A sausage can have a bun as a condiment and still be just a sausage. A sandwich can have sausage, but is still refered to as a sandwich. So a hotdog is a sausage served with bread, not a sandwich.
Psycholinguisitics understands this effect. The “wrong” word is increasing cognitive load and slowing down the listener’s comprehension. The exact same thing happens when pronoun use is unclear and a person has to parse the most likely referent from context.
Language, especially English, is not computer code but leveraging the existing “libraries” of meaning and declaring variables carefully is usually very useful.
I wish we had a dialect or subset of English that was intended to be more like computer code, and would be used for precisely specifying things. I have no idea how we’d do such a thing, and it’d never be adopted (and probably it’s been tried!). But trying to write English in a way that can’t be misinterpreted can be a real chore.
This does exist in professional disciplines as jargon. I work in Orthopaedics and we do not say the “over here, inside part of my knee in the front. “. We say, “inferior, medial pole of the patella”
The Oxford comma.
Stick to the side of the path your country drives on or at least move to that side if someones comming the otherway. I don’t get how this isn’t common knowledge but it also doesn’t matter all that much.
Except when you’re walking on a road, you should walk on the opposite side of vehicle traffic.
Except when you’re walking on a road, you should walk on the opposite side of vehicle traffic.
I take back my post, THIS is my hill to die on. Please note that it applies to any mixed use path where one type of traffic is markedly slower, so pedestrians on the road, obviously, but also walkers on bike paths.