I am a huge enjoyer of fizzy beverages. I love the excitement the carbonation adds to my life!
However when I pour soda into an ice-filed cup, the carbonation never makes it past the ice. It completely removes all the carbonation. Leaving me with a flat soda.
I know americans drink all their beverages with a shitload of ice. How do you guys do this? teach me your ways!
I noticed your username, aren’t you that guy that keeps shitting on people after stealing small chunks of bread?
Only you, honey.
Nope. That’s a seagull, and a very dangerous mistake.
Fuck with the Albatross, and you’re cursed.
so albatrosses are not seagulls? they sure do look like it…
dood. an albatross has like twice the wingspan of a seagull. it’s an absolute unit. on pictures they may look slightly similar, but those beasts have >3.40 m (11.2 ft) wingspan. the sky goes dark when they approach.
I noticed your username, blocking you preemptively.
Don’t judge a lemming by its username.