Freedom horns!
Freedom horns!
I’m really looking forward to the turmoil in the Trumpublican Party after he’s had his final Big Mac Attack. All the opportunists who’ve been using MAGA to advance themselves will be vying for position and clawing each other to pieces like the rats they are.
Same, it’s been too many years. But if I had a wish I could alter time and it never would have been cancelled.
There’s no cup like that first cup.
If you’re Republican it’s simple:
That it didn’t get cancelled and was still in production, cuz it’s Firefly.
Me, using a cheap old laptop that does exactly what I need instead of rebuying overpriced Apple products every time a new one comes out.
I still do. At one job my manager said, “Don’t forget your coffee,” that I had left on his desk, and I proudly said, That’s not coffee, it’s Tea, Earl Grey, Hot." He took a closer look and said, “It doesn’t look like tea, Earl Grey, hot.” I replied, “It has milk, two percent, cold.” Sigh, you don’t see days like that anymore.
At one of my jobs around 2010 there was a dev in the office who wrote all his code in Notepad. When I joined the staff they were still using Classic ASP. My job was to help them (finally) migrate to ASP.Net. He intended to develop .Net apps in Notepad rather than learn how to use VS. I got laid off due to cutbacks and never found out what kind of luck he had wit dat.