One the one hand: how dumb do you have to be to add a journalist that’s critical of your administration to the War Table group chat?
On the other hand: this has got to be some of the best marketing for Signal ever.
One the one hand: how dumb do you have to be to add a journalist that’s critical of your administration to the War Table group chat?
On the other hand: this has got to be some of the best marketing for Signal ever.
“Failed to load media”
Sir and/or Ma’am I have done nothing to you to warrent this level of hatred. Other than make fun of your outs and abouts and sorries. And the Maple Leafs. Go Bruins.
I think if we can’t convince people to reduce their consumption which is a Sisyphean effort, The next best step would be to try to convince manufacturers and packaging companies to switch over to either mostly cardboard or metal. Metal is almost infinitely recyclable, and cardboard once it reaches the end of its recyclable life span can be used as fertilizer and as a product for other things.
I’m not a Trumper, but almost all of my family is. It seems that they are feeling buyers remorse. They don’t understand why the Great American Reemergence hasn’t happened. They also don’t understand why people dislike their faith.
It’s a good not typical alien invasion movie.
I’ve been there several times. Intend to lean that way, and yeah it’s a sign of depression. Everyone experiences it at some point, but if it’s lasting then yeah seek outside help. I also agree with @MrJamesGumb. When I’m down if I can build something or fix something it helps. Building a Gundam or Lego kit allows you to actively see that you’re making progress on something. And that little bit of “things are moving and improving” can help to pull me out of my slump.
If you’re willing to go off the beaten path and take in some indie fare:
All Heroes Must Die(also known as VS)
Vast of Night
As a Mil, I remember when calling someone a a butt muncher was an insult. Now look at all of you, munching butt.
Sir, thank you for showing me my favorite meme of the day and it’s only 01:28AM. Nothing will top this for me all day. Hell, probably all week.