Burp Suite academy learning, all free with interactive labs, you only need to download and install the community version of the application. https://portswigger.net/web-security/learning-paths
Rhana Khalil also has a lot of guides on these labs if you’re someone who learns best by watching others. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKaK-XPQAbznwIISC46b1oA
NahamSec is another big figure in the bug bounty community who often puts out helpful content for new comers. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCZDt7MuC3Hzs6IH4xODLBw
Everyone is totally different when it comes to medication I find. I tried the stimulant types myself and they ended up overwhelming me and giving me very bad anxiety if I wasn’t able to get tasks completed.
I switched to a non-stimulant version and definitely don’t feel any of the same things I used to feel.
I’m just trying to iterate that meds aren’t always perfect even when they are an option.
I think for the most part though, my biggest help has been knowing I have ADHD and just having to learn to give myself breaks when I need it and not be so hard on myself when I’m not able to push myself to complete certain tasks.
ADHD is amazing when you find something you’re so interested and passionate about, however those things can sometimes be few and far between and you can’t expect your brain to behave in a neurotypical manner in those other instances. Don’t hold yourself to unreasonable standards.