I mean if the implementation is that compact without any sticking edges and you avoided the temptation to, say, tape a wing or a unicorn horn on it, that is a pretty good implementation imo.
I mean if the implementation is that compact without any sticking edges and you avoided the temptation to, say, tape a wing or a unicorn horn on it, that is a pretty good implementation imo.
yea no BG I has THAC0, that should be sufficient
huh? BG I is 2nd edition DnD? Played both Divinity I and II, liked I better
yea funny enough I got that high when recently playing Planescape torment but not Baldurs Gate I, dont know why. Still a good game though.
You don’t need to go too far, King Edward III is believed to write letters of good intent to hitler, urging him to keep bombing the UK a little more and that they would cave in.
This would make a great entry point for the protests against this. And the left should be a bit opportunist and use the “proud British” rhetoric that the right used for Brexit against US “taking over leadership of CW”
As non-functional as it is, we don’t need to make it ten times worse. If this happens Elon and Trump will likely behave like they own the rights to every resource on the eastern members of CW.
Also trying to side with an openly fascist, sexist, racist president? King Edward III much?
yea sure more of the old stuff should help
The funny thing is with so much money you could probably do lots of great stuff with the existing AI as it is. Instead they put all the money into compute power so that they can overfit their LLMs to look like a human.
very small
“Microsoft is slated to back up its claims and success in quantum computing next week at an American Physical Society (APS) meeting in California.”
Well if they try to put on a show like Elon did with his dancing robots and what not we can be %100 sure it is a pyramid scheme.
or pay a generous fee of %0.00001 of your yearly earnings to make it go away