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… referring to “Democratic Socialism” as an actual, distinct form, as well as your confusion regarding the distinction between Socialism and Communism calls into question all of your examples.
LOL, OK. Now you are just confidently being wrong.
Sure, OK, you are rubber and I am glue, very clever.
This has been a giant waste of both of our time. Thanks for confirming my pessimistic view of the futility of human communication. Just block me and let’s never talk again.
Just because they are state owned, doesn’t mean they are planned, not in a planned economy sense. They are no more planned than USPS, BBC, the Network Rail in the UK, or Deutsche Bahn in Germany. I think you have either a misinformed, mistaken, or maybe warped perception of what “planned economy” even means. I have older relatives living there who still have vivid memories of life in planned economy China. And from what I’ve heard I can pretty confidently tell you that it is not this. (But hey, I am just a random guy on the internet, a ghost in the electromagnetic waves, or maybe this is all written by ChatGPT. So you don’t have to believe any of what I said.) If you find a random person on the street of China and tell them China is a planned economy (计划经济 in Chinese, pronounced “ji4 hua4 jing1 ji4” if you need help), you will likely be laughed out of court. Like, a company having a plan (which I’d expect a majority of companies around world that know what they are doing to have) doesn’t mean it suddenly operates in “planned economy”
I do recommend you to read broadly and try to consciously combat your own confirmation biases.
Well thanks, that’s how I have been trying to operate anyways. It’s just kind of funny to hear it uttered by someone who clearly only have very superficial (mis)understanding of how China operates/operated. (Which is a fault I have observed many on to have unfortunately.) Which also calls the characterization of all your other examples into question. I genuinely meant this as an advice, and I wouldn’t have typed all this if not for the ridiculousness of what you are saying.
I am sure you are very well read, which is commendable and I genuinely think you did well there (most of people nowadays don’t read anymore). Just, like, please also read something that challenges your point of view sometimes.
China is heavily planned.
Oh, OK. If that’s what you believes… (I wonder if you have talked with someone who actually live in China currently?) I don’t think there will be much more I can say that would convince you otherwise. But I do recommend you to read broadly and try to consciously combat your own confirmation biases.
Planned economy isn’t mandatory for socialism. Market socialism exists, for example the socialist market economy practiced (quite successfully) by China. (And no, I do mean democratic socialism, not Social Democracy or the Nordic model)
I think anyone can point to USSR and China as examples of failed planned economies, so I am quite surprised by you claiming to know nothing about that. I wouldn’t include Cuba because there have been a lot of unjust outside pressures against its economy. I will say I don’t know much about the AES states so I will have to look into that, but at a quick glance I don’t see anyone describing their economy as planned?
Hmm, OK. Personally I believe in socialism (like democratic socialism) but I don’t think communism is going to work. Especially a planned economy has been shown to not work at least a couple of times.
OP is talking about socialism, not communism?
That’s… just not true? Current frontier AI models are actually surprisingly diverse, there are a dozen companies from America, Europe, and China releasing competitive models. Let alone the countless finetunes created by the community. And many of them you can run entirely on your own hardware so no one really has control over how they are used. (Not saying that that’s a good thing necessarily, just to point out Eno is wrong)