In the future, cars will be so big that we will need a second, smaller car to drive us to the driver’s seat.
In the future, cars will be so big that we will need a second, smaller car to drive us to the driver’s seat.
A two-party system is not necessarily worse than a multy-party system. They both have their flaws. Just as one example, party programs in multi-party systems such as in Germany are not worth the paper they are written on, because after the election the parties will go into negotiations and come up with an entirely different program. With two parties, at least you know what you vote for.
This is a great lecture on the topic with much more depth to it:
What happens if you shoot them against each other with the same momentum?
Ah, thanks for the reminder! As a happy systemd user I sometimes forget how stubbornly resentful some people in the Linux community are that they still try to keep this up as a topic. Then again, maybe this is just a troll?
“Some bullshit” yeah right you just craved for that avocado toast, didn’t you?